Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So many items settled within this month...

Wow.. We seems to be very efficient for this month

The following items were completed:

1) Met up with our coordinator in Orchard Hotel to finalise the details. We decided to go ahead with the pink roses dazzling theme which is in line with my fairytale theme. The 2 wedding favours which we have chosen are pinkish too!!!! Isn't that nice? The 2 VIP tables will be in purple and the remaining guest tables are all pink!!! Angpao box and complimentary guest book were collected from the hotel. Menu finalised.

2) Collected the invitation cards provided by the hotel from T dragon and sent it to JB for printing. I printed a total of 200 wedding inserts + 180 church invitation cards at S$185 only (All in full colour plus photos).. Very reasonable and good.

3) We managed to book most items required for our 21 days Europe trip

- Airtickets from Paris to Barcelona (By easyjet)
- Paris Disneyland tickets
- Airtickets from Barcelona to Venice (By Vueling)
- Florence Hotel stay
- Airtickets from Rome to London(By Ryan Air)

What is left outstanding will be the Eurostar train tickets, the Italia train tickets from Venice to Florence and from Florence to Rome.

It's almost 90% complete. We will be covering 6 cities in 3 weeks : London, Paris, Barcelona, Venice, Florence and Rome. And up till date, we have only spent about S$2500 per pax. Most likely we will be able to keep our budget within S$3000 per pax. Yeah!!!!!

4) The Guo Da li Stuff have been purchased, mostly from JB. They really have alot of varieties and it's so hard to resist all the cute cute designs. Bought things like baby prosperity set (mug, basin, pottery, bathtub), wedding lamp, wedding teapot set, wedding bowls/spoons/chopsticks, jewellery box, sewing kit etc. I have also bought my night gowns from US victoria secrets and cosmetics from Hongkong to complement the dowry. We have placed order for pig trotter cans from Carefour to be delivered to our house. At the same time, we have ordered our GDL cakes from Sweetest moments. Simply love their personalised box designs.

More pictures will be shown on my Guo Da Li date. Do keep a lookout for it!!!

5) We have started to prepare our guestlist and slowly sending out our e invites. So far about 70% complete.

6) We have fixed a date with the JP: Father Edmund Chong. Appointment date is on 21st July. Just nice.. 2 days before we can file the marriage in rom website.

4 more months to go.... Looking forward.

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