Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Outcome of our wedding photos selection (27/10/2009)

The wedding photos selection is really tedious!!! Luckily it's over.

1 week after the photoshoot(23/10/2009), our photos were ready for selection. Hence, we went down to Venus after my training at Bukit Merah.Reached Venus at about 3.30pm. Initially thought we could complete it within 2 hours. We were wrong!!!

We were surprised to see 600 photos in 2R format (20 big pieces with 30 photos each). It could have been more. Noticed that quite alot of photos were being deleted (Based on the jump in the photo ref). They have did some colour enhancement and editing which looks really nice. We have discussed on the selection criteria (Gregory will do the first round of deletion, follow by me). For every single backdrop, we will choose max 5 photos and will further eliminate from there.

After 5 hours of selection, we only managed to eliminate 500 photos. Still got 30 more to go. Furthermore, we have yet to check our photos using the PC to ensure that the photos are okay when enlarged. As we are both very tired, we decided to call it a day and go on another day.

On Tuesday afternoon 12 pm, with my mama accompanying me, I made my way down to Venus again to do the remaining elimination. Bearing in mind that I do not want too many repeated poses or backdrop appearing, i will try my best to cross out more photos.

I can choose up to max of 26 layouts, 70 photos for my 2 albums.

My final selection was as follow

Indoor Album (Portrait album)
1) Bustier tube layered gown - White backdrop (3 photos)
2) Bustier tube layered gown - Night scenery backdrop (2 photos)
3) Purple feather evening gown - Classic victorian chair and staircase backdrop (3 photos)
4) Purple feather evening gown - Grandfather's clock and chandellier backdrop (3 photos)
5) Golden Victorian evening gown - Victorian Style backdrop (2 photos)
6) Golden Victorian evening gown - White coloured door backdrop (2 photos)
7) Princessy tube A line gown - Rose garden backdrop (2 photos)
8) Princessy tube A line gown - Water and leaves backdrop (3 photos)
9) Cheongsum - Old shanghai backdrop (3 photos)
10) Butterfly tube A line gown - Carrying words (4 photos)
11) Butterfly tube A line gown - Snow backdrop (3 photos)
12)Butterfly tube A line gown - Blue painted room with cage backdrop (2 photos)
13) Red colour evening gown - Classic victorian style with ancient mirror (3 photos)

Total 35 photos, 13 layouts (hehe.. just nice to fill up 1 album, never exceed.)

As for the outdoor, it was really hard to choose because we find the scenery too beautiful. Nevertheless, we still try to plan on the possible no of layouts that we will need based on our selection.

Outdoor album (Landscape)

Sultan Garden

1) Standing infront of a row of trees (3 photos)
2) Standing infront of a row of tress (2 photos)
3) Lying down and touching the fruits on the tree (3 photos)
4) O/s old building dancing (2 photos)
5) o/s old building sitting on staircase (3 photos)
6) Sitting on the windows (4 photos)

(Sub total = 17 photos)

Kota Tinggi Waterfall
7)On the bridge and the rock (2 photos)
8) Waterfall (2 photos)
9) Waterfall(2 photos)

(Sub total = 6 photos)

10) Rocks (4 photos)
11) lalang (2 photos)
12) Casual wear with pink cow (3 photos)
13) Running on the beach (3 photos)
14) Trees behind/ taking balloons (3 photos)

(Sub total = 15 photos)

Grandtotal for outdoor album is 14 layouts with 38 photos. hehe.. exceed by 4 photos. hehe.. End up topping up RM300 for the additional page.

hehe... We have chosen quite a no of photos facing the camera, in view that cute gregory do not like natural poses. hehehe.... but of course, we can't help choosing some romantic kissing poses to complement the whole album. hehe...

Both photographers were very professional and good. Therefore, our selection were very evenly distributed among the 2 different photography styles)

Derrick artwork - Chosen 30 photos
Ah Xiang's artwork - Chosen 44 photos

Checked with Ivy, she said we can view the edited pic in 1.5 months time. (Should be ready by mid Dec)hehe... Hope to see the end result real soon.

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