Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A meet up with our solemniser today...

Right after work, we rushed down for our appointment with our solemniser, Father Edmund Chong at Church of St Joseph Bukit Timah which was scheduled at 7.30pm.

Father Edmund was very nice to guide us through the whole procedure. To make the whole atmosphere more lively, he cracked alot of jokes during the session. One of the joke which i can still remember was during the saying of vows, the nervous bride pronounced "fidelity" as "fertility".. it really make us laugh non stop. Hope I don't make such error on my wedding day. hahaha.. so malu...

We will be having a wedding service instead of a mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church because I'm a non Catholic. We have roughly done our church wedding slides, so he went through very slide with us to see whether any amendments to be made. Luckily there were not many errors. The whole session lasted for an hour or so. Cute Gregory will do the necessary amendments tonight.

As for me, I will keep the JP consent form safely in one corner as I need to produce the original copy when i go down to collect the ROM cert.

Yeah..... Another 2 more days to filing of marriage!!!!

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