Friday, July 23, 2010

We have filed our ROM!!! Exactly 3 more months to go...

Early in the morning, we log into the ROM official website to file our marriage... Realised that the fee cost $26. Arhhhh.....Cute Gregory commented: Shouldn't the government absorb this cost since they are encouraging Singaporeans to get married and start a family. Sounds logical. hahaha.. but no choice lah... now still got to pay.

We were assigned a slot on 20th October 2010 between 8.30am to 9.30am to collect our cert. What a bad timing!!! My bridal studio is closed on Wed.. or else we can do everything on the same day. It's weird to collect the cert in the morning and go back to work in the afternoon... Wondering whether we should take a full day leave on that day.

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